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Out Of Gas

Out Of Gas

The gas chambers make the holoca$h, without them there basically is no holoca$h. While there has been countless tomes written on the technical aspects of why the gassing of ✡'s didn't occur or couldn't have physically happened. The Leuchter report, detailing the lack of cyanide residue in the brick of the supposed gas chambers being one of the more well known ones. 

One important detail that holoca$h truth researchers have forgot to mention is what the two gasses cyanide (Zyklon B) and carbon monoxide (Car Exhaust, lol) do to a person when they kill them. If you die by either gas the skin on 2/3 or more of your body turns bright cherry red. In no photo or holoca$h survivors story are any bright red corpses ever mentioned. The piles of dead bodies that are shown from various camps show no discolouration what-so-ever. You can't have death by those two gasses without discolouration.

No Discolouration, No Gassing

most piles of dead bodies passes off as holoca$h photos are in fact just photos of people that died during bombings. I have noticed that they ✡ seem to like using photos from the firebombing of Dresden the most. The ones that are legit camp photos really don't prove any claims of extermination attempts. 

What the real camp photos show are the effects of mass breakouts of diseases such as typhus and dysentery due to the overcrowding and lack of food, clean water, or medicine particularly during the last months of the war. When people die from most diseases they end up looking just like a holosa$h survivor. I will place photos of people dying from diseases below in the photo section. The Germans did not nor did they want encourage the spread of disease in these camps as some might claim. As the disease could always and in a few cases did spread outside of the camps. 

America had at the time vaccines for diseases such as typhus and it had ddt which would have killed the lice that spread the disease. america could have arranged for this life saving equipment to have been delivered to these camps during the war and saved a lot of lives, but then america wouldn't have had all those nice propaganda photos now would it? It wasn't as if the usa wasn't aware of this and it isn't like the Germans could have used the ddt or vaccines in any military way. The Germans would have used the equipment to treat the diseases as that would have had to be first priority as an outbreak of these diseases outside these camps could have been quite bad. Piles of dead bodies containing a few hundred people amount to very little when 50 million plus have died. If those piles contain no bright cherry red corpses then claims of gas chambers mean even less. If you wish to find gas chambers simply look into any bored to death university class room being filled with hot air spouted from jewish lungs. Those are the only gas chambers that you will find. 

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